Active Play is available all over Metro Vancouver. Click your location for details.

About Red Fox Active Play
Red Fox’s flagship Active Play program gives children the chance to be healthy, have fun, and get inspired by positive youth role models from their own communities. Red Fox Youth Leaders guide children through energetic group games, circus arts and other physical activities that cultivate self-confidence, social connections, and new skills.
Red Fox created the first Active Play programs in east Vancouver in 2007 to serve the needs of Indigenous and inner-city children who were disengaged with traditional after-school programs. The programs’ successes have resulted in Red Fox growing rapidly. Red Fox Active Play now reaches hundreds of children across Metro Vancouver every week.
Active Play is currently offered through regular programs in schools, community centres, housing complexes and parks during the school year and summer in Vancouver, Surrey, New Westminster, Delta, Maple Ridge, West Vancouver and North Vancouver. The program is free for participants and open to children of all ages and abilities. Red Fox also runs Active Play sessions for families at special community events throughout the year.